Donate to the campaign to stop SMRs in New Brunswick and receive a tax credit

SMR = small modular nuclear reactor = money down the drain and delayed climate action.

We are a volunteer campaign funded by individuals who agree with our goal: to fight for a renewable energy future in New Brunswick, which requires halting more public funds to nuclear start-ups to develop their SMR projects on the Bay of Fundy, next to the existing Point Lepreau nuclear plant.

CRED-NB is a coalition of volunteers. We receive funding from many individuals who share our values and perspectives. We use the donations to pay for the cost of distributing information.

The Sierra Club Canada Foundation Atlantic Chapter, a registered charity with a long history of anti-nuclear activism, is a core member of our group and campaign to stop the development of SMRs in New Brunswick.

Donate HERE:

You will see Stop SMRs in NB listed as a Sierra Club campaign, with a link to the donate page. Then you will see the comment box at the bottom of the page, where you will write “Stop SMRs in NB.”

Because the Sierra Club Canada Foundation is a registered charity, donations to our campaign are eligible for a tax credit. To find out how much of your donation is eligible for the credit, you can check out the Canada Revenue Agency’s complicated page, HERE, or one of the charitable donation tax credit calculators online, such as this one by the Canadian Red Cross, HERE.

The Sierra Club has many campaigns on the go. To donate to our campaign to stop SMRs in New Brunswick, you must indicate “Stop SMRs in NB” in the comment box when you donate to the Sierra Club.

CRED-NB and our campaign to stop SMRs here are run by volunteers. We are fighting the nuclear industry, funded by taxpayers and electricity customers. The industry is paying their staff to pump out pro-SMRs marketing and sales materials almost around the clock.

Any $$ you donate will help pay the costs of informing the public about the risks of developing SMRs, sharing critical information missing from the nuclear industry marketing and sales materials. We share this critical information on our CRED-NB website, through our Facebook page, and by publishing: Nuclear Reaction.